The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

Homeowners who choose spray foam insulation typically do so for a combination of reasons. It’s more expensive than spray foam insulation, but it offers superior insulating power and air sealing. It’s also more versatile, and installers can shape the foam to fit nooks and crannies that would be impossible to reach with other types of insulation.

The Environmental Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

It’s a premium product that can help reduce utility bills by 50% or more right away. It helps prevent energy loss, so HVAC systems don’t need to run as often in order to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. And it’s a healthier choice that reduces sources of mold, airborne pollutants and allergens like dust, pollen and dander.

Spray foam insulation comes in two different varieties, open and closed cell. The difference has to do with the tiny bubbles that make up the insulation. Open cell foam is full of cells that aren’t completely encapsulated, which makes it softer and less flexable than closed cell insulation.

The spray foam can be used in new construction or existing homes, and it conforms to the unique design of any structure. It’s sprayed on site as liquid and expands to fill the space where it’s applied, so it’s a great option for hard-to-reach areas or complicated structures.

When properly installed, it creates an airtight seal that reduces sources of pests and other unwanted invaders. It also reduces outside noise, so you can enjoy a quieter home environment.

Georgia Insulation
2317 Danbury Ln, Gainesville, GA 30507, United States
(770) 549-9561

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Energy Savings Made Easy with Bryars Spray Foam Insulation

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