316 Insulation of Olympia acts as both an air barrier and an insulator. It is designed to seal the nooks and crannies that allow energy to escape your home, leading to high heating and cooling costs. This product fills these areas, making your building more efficient and cutting utility bills by 50% right away.
It can help your walls retain their strength, and it is also more moisture resistant than fiberglass and cellulose insulation. This helps to protect your property from mildew and mold, which can have a negative impact on health.
The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation for Olympia Homes
There are two types of spray foam: open-cell and closed cell. The difference is in the way the small bubbles that form the foam are encapsulated. The open-cell spray foam has small pockets that are deliberatly left open, which gives it a softer feel and more flexibility than the closed cell spray foam.
Both of these products are available in different R-values. The higher the R-value, the more insulating the foam is. For example, open-cell foam has an R-value of around 3.5 to 3.6 per inch, while closed-cell spray insulation can provide up to R-19 in a 2×4 wall.
The installation of spray foam insulation requires professional technicians, and it is recommended that occupants of the property vacate the premises during application and curing, since this product off-gasses large amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For your own safety, it’s best to wear gloves, goggles, and breathing apparatuses when applying spray foam.
316 Insulation of Olympia
2511 Columbia St SW Olympia WA 98501