For many , native smokes cigarettes is a part of their identity. It’s a way to honor their ancestors and their homelands. Native smokes are made with premium tobacco grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides. They are also made with natural flavors and colors, resulting in a cleaner and healthier smoking experience.
Historically, Native Americans smoked tobacco as part of ceremonial and religious rituals—offerings to the Great Spirit or a reminder of a peace treaty. But after Europeans introduced domesticated trade tobacco, the habit became a social activity that most tribal members could afford. Today, more than 30 percent of American Indians are smokers. And while many tribal leaders are working to decrease the influence of commercial tobacco on their communities, it’s not an easy task.
Discovering Native Smokes in Canada: Where to Find Them
The resurgence of native smokes, however, is giving some Native people hope that they can get back to a more traditional relationship with tobacco. It is a plant that their ancestors grew and used before colonization and the fur trade, and it is now making a comeback among tribes across Oregon and throughout the nation.
The popularity of native smokes is largely due to the belief that they are healthier and cheaper than traditional commercial cigarettes. In some cases, this is true, but consumers should be aware that despite lower prices and perceived quality, native cigarettes still carry the same health risks as other tobacco products. It is always advisable to research local retailers and compare prices before purchasing any tobacco products, including native cigarettes.
Native Cigarettes Canada
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